Seymour Burkart Boulevard/Southern Bypass

Seymour Burkart Boulevard/Southern Bypass

Seymour, IN

Burkart Boulevard/Southern Bypass

HWC is responsible for full-time inspection of the construction of Burkart Boulevard Phase I. The project is 2.3 miles of new roadway, a bridge over the L&I Railroad, along with a multi-use trail located in Seymour, Indiana.

Phase I is a new segment of roadway to provide a bypass to Freeman Field from US 50. The scope of this project included clearing of farm fields and some wooded areas. Constructing new embankments and roadway, installing drainage culverts and several box culverts. The project has a single span bridge over the L&I Railroad and a long segment of MSE Wall from each end bent east and west of the railroad. The project has new asphalt pavement with a roundabout at the O’Brien Street intersection. The contract has a paved multi-use trail along the entire length. Included also is installing guard rail, pavement markings and signage, and lighting at the roundabout.

The roundabout will be open to traffic this November. The contract completion date is October 31, 2021. The $17.3 million LPA project was funded by the City of Seymour and Indiana Department of Transportation.

Princeton Water Treatment & Storage Facilities Improvements

Princeton Water Treatment & Storage Facilities Improvements

Princeton, IN

Water Treatment & Storage Facilities Improvements

HWC first completed a Preliminary Engineering Report for the City’s water treatment and storage systems. Princeton’s water plant was nearly 25 years old and operating nearly 24 hours per day to meet demand. The system also lacked adequate storage volume, had an existing elevated tank in poor condition, and lacked necessary fire protection.

Report recommendations included:

  • A 500,000 gallon elevated water tank and 5,000’ of 16” water transmission main
  • New aerators and installation of a third aerator/detention basin
  • New vertical treatment pumps with variable frequency drives
  • A 500,000 gallon ground storage tank and high service pumping station
  • A new backwash waste holding basin
  • A new SCADA controls system
  • Miscellaneous building modifications

HWC completed all planning, design, bidding, and construction management phases for this $4.5 million project. 

Lafayette Vinton Subdivision Water Main Replacement

Lafayette Vinton Subdivision Water Main Replacement

Lafayette, IN

Vinton Subdivision Water Main Replacement

This water main replacement project consisted of installing new 8’’ DIP throughout the subdivision. 5,269’ in total were installed along with 132 new service lines from the new main to the existing meter pit. 

The contractor installed the new 8’’ DIP water main with the corporations installed so they could hydrostatic pressure test the new main and the new corporations jointly. The contractor performed many hydrostatic pressure tests and bacteria tests which HWC oversaw. 

The contractor installed 8 new hydrant assemblies throughout the subdivision and removed 3 old hydrant assemblies. 

Indianapolis DPW/Citizens Energy Group– Lift Station 507 Upgrade

Indianapolis DPW/Citizens Energy Group– Lift Station 507 Upgrade

Indianapolis, IN

Citizens Energy Group/DPW – Lift Station 507 Upgrade

The scope of the project included renovating and upgrading existing wet weather storage and pumping facility to allow for enhanced treatment of CSO events. The work required the addition of a self-cleaning screening system, a sodium hypochlorite disinfection system, dechlorination with sodium biosulfate, and necessary chemical storage. The washdown system was replaced with a tipping bucket system. Additional work included sluice gates, structural improvements, 1,000 GPM dewatering pumps, flow/level sensors, backup generator, new SCADA, and electrical/power components. The renovation included the installation of a green roof and miscellaneous site improvements. Significant coordination was required with the Riviera Club due to their normal activities and children present throughout the duration.  

The work was required as a part of the City’s CSO Long Term Control Plan program.  

The project was, in part, funded by the State Revolving Loan Fund 100%. Construction cost was approximately $4,800,000.00.

Royal Center Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan, Phase 2 – CSO Basins & WWTP Improvements

Royal Center Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan, Phase 2 – CSO Basins & WWTP Improvements

Royal Center, IN

Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan, Phase 2 – CSO Basins & WWTP Improvements

The scope of the project included improvements to address the Town’s combined sewer overflows from their collection system into the receiving stream (Frederick’s Ditch) in accordance with the Town’s approved Long Term Control Plan with IDEM.  

The detailed scope of work for the project included the following:

  • Extending a new 30” sewer from the existing diversion structure to the proposed CSO pump station
  • A new CSO influent pumping station to pump the CSO flows to the proposed flow equalization basin (FEB)
  • A new CSO screening structure with mechanical screen
  • Installation of a flow equalization basin (FEB) with a capacity of 310,000 gallons with concrete bottom for sediment removal
  • Installation of a settling and disinfection basin with a capacity of 700,000 gallons
  • Chlorination/dechlorination system with metering pumps, piping, and chemical storage tanks
  • Installation of an FEB drain to convey flows from the FEB to the WWTP
  • A new underdrain/stormwater pump station to pump groundwater and site stormwater to Frederick’s Ditch
  • A chemical/electrical building
  • A non-potable water system
  • Electrical and controls improvements

The project was funded by grants & loans from USDA – Rural Development and a construction grant from the Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA). Construction cost was approximately $3,700,000.