Lafayette, IN

Lafayette Area 21

HWC worked with the City of Lafayette to complete the Service Area 21 – Sewer & Water Utility Master Plan Project. Service Area 21 refers to a 4,000-acre area outside the corporate limits of Lafayette.

A crossing of Wildcat Creek and I-65 was evaluated as part of this study. Connecting the water service to Lafayette’s dual water pressure zone system was also evaluated.

The area is largely agricultural but includes several housing developments and the potential for commercial development. As such, there was a need for water and wastewater utilities to service the area.

The final plan included the phased extension of water and sewer services to the area. Future phases can extend these utilities throughout the entire service area and consist of a new well field for supplemental water supply due to the impacts of the proposed Hoosier Heartland corridor.

The estimated construction costs for both phases developed in the plan is $5.8 million. Design and construction management of Phase I were completed by HWC with construction inspected in 2020.